The process and steps used to obtain supplies, materials, packages, equipment services and contracts at best and legit price are what is performed in ENERGIRAN as procurement service department.
As a result of global and domestic market conditions and the need for businesses to reduce and manage costs, the demand for expert procurement service provider has significantly increased and ENERGIRAN has built many top firms as procurement services providers and all below material has been provided for manufacturing in ENERGIRAN previously.
We share the requests of the Board with the other functions of the organization and we receive all the documental archive to start the work, like contracts, invoices, estimates, history of the cooperation and what else is useful to setup the procurement action plan with the aim of our sister companies as APCOM and METROPOL with below mentioned services:
- Brokering the sale of some products of petrochemical complexes on Petrochemicals Stock Exchange.
- Imports of Petrochemicals/Raw materials/Equipment for downstream industries & petrochemical products.
- Providing logistics services in form of purchasing needed items (including pallets, Jumbo bag, etc.) for petrochemical complexes and other companies.
- Providing inland transportation / Warehousing/Logistics
- Import of needed Commodities and general cargoes
- commerce of general items and basic goods in the export and import sectors
- Brokering the sale of some products of petrochemical complexes /oil products
- Order directly and without intermediaries of petrochemical and oil products from Iranian sources with the aim of exporting to global markets.
- Providing of logistic services (shipping, storage tanks, Warehousing, etc.) inside and outside the country.