Announcement of invitation to cooperate with Iran Energy Industries Company

Recruitment with experience in the expertise of the engineering director in the field of oil, gas and petrochemicals

Eligible candidates and distinguished graduates of public universities are also invited to submit their resumes in the following job categories.

Work field

Job rowشغلیjob titleBachelor’s / Master’s degreeExpertise
MA-02engineering managerMechanical engineering or related fieldsSpecialization in all project engineering with a history of 7 to 10 years
تخصص در مهندسی و طراحی 90%
آشنایی با استاندارد های مرتبط 80%
اشنایی با مدارک فرایندی و تجربه در تهیه مدارک 70%
مدیریت 95%

If you want to cooperate with Energiran Company from the comments section written at the bottom of this page, please enter your full name along with the email and a brief explanation about yourself in the comments section, after reviewing and approval by your support team, receive a resume Turns.